Ashina is a human rights lawyer and Advocate of the High Court of Kenya, with a passion for matters social justice. She holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Nairobi and Master of Laws degree in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa from the Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria.

She has worked in the human rights sector for over 8 years’, supporting and leading impactful national and international advocacy on economic and social rights, particularly the rights to education and health. Currently, Ashina works as the Coordinator for the TaxEd Alliance, convened by ActionAid International, bringing together education actors, teacher unions, and tax justice actors at national, regional and international level to advocate for sustainable, progressive domestic financing for education.

Before joining ActionAid, Ashina worked with the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (GI-ESCR) focusing on the impacts of commercialisation of education and healthcare systems, and how human rights informs education and health policies to ensure quality education for everyone, especially the most marginalised, including girls and women. She also contributed to work on clarifying the human rights framework on the right to education, including supporting the adoption and implementation of the Abidjan Principles on the right to education, and the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, General Comment 7, on the provision of social services.