Monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) is at the heart of implementing programs including the Foundational Literacy and Learning Assessment (FLANA). Monitoring involves routine tracking of program resources, activities, and results, and analysis of the information to guide program implementation. The periodic evaluation reports during the mid-term, and/or final assessment and analysis of ongoing or completed programs provide key information useful for reflection and continuous improvement of a program’s ability to achieve results. A number of different processes and methods (qualitative and quantitative) and a variety of tools are put in place to facilitate effective MEL functions. Specific indicators are identified early at the planning stage and used during implementation to monitor progress in achieving the set goals and evaluate the achievement of the expected outcomes and impact.
Monitoring is concerned mainly with the routine tracking of program resources, activities and procedure and standards, and analysis of the baseline information necessary for implementing the program.
Evaluation exercises focus on immediate outputs and longer-term outcomes and also focus on whole areas of activity (e.g. the national assessments of learning).
The learning part of MEL is the one most important phase. Collection, analysis, and making sense of data is a great learning opportunity for Usawa Agenda.
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