We are co-founders of RELI and a leader of equity and inclusion thematic group. RELI comprises of 70 organisations in East Africa, bringing together diverse, energetic and impactful group of CSOs. This network affords us national and regional horizontal networking and learning opportunities.
This forum provides us with a platform for structured and coordinated engagement with national and subnational governments, citizens, the private sector, media, academia and development partners. Through the forum, we participate in monitoring SDG 4 through Voluntary National Review process.
The PAL Network gives us strong links to organizations across the global south with whom we partner for mutual learning and global engagement as we champion for education justice. This is a network of 17-member organisations working to promote children’s foundational learning across three continents; Africa, Asia and Latin America.
We are co-founder of EE4A, a coalition of CSOs, Academia and Government through Ministry of Education (MoE). This coalition provides a platform for us to share evidence and interact with key stakeholders in the education sector with power to shift policies in favour of education justice.
We have strong relationships with Elimu Yetu Coalition-a platform for CSOs, professional groupings, education and research institutions and other non-state actors in Kenya’s education sector, to lobby for the implementation of Education for all. Through the coalition, we have experienced the power of collaboration in driving positive education system changes.
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