Wilson Wasike is a Research Manager at the African Economic Research Consortium based in Nairobi, Kenya. AERC is a not-for-profit Pan African institution dedicated to enabling  the advancement of economic policy research and training in Africa. He provides support to intellectual leadership, strategic direction and management of the AERC research programmes. The emphasis of his work is on collaborative research, commissioned studies and special workshops. Previously, Wilson has worked as Senior Policy Analyst and Head of Project Management and Resource Division in the Budget, Fiscal and Economic Affairs Directorate of the Kenya National Treasury and Planning Ministry as well as Programme Manager in charge of collaborative Masters and PhD degree programmes at AERC and Programme Manager of the Consortium of Advanced Research Training in Africa.

Between September 2000 and May 2009, Wilson was a Senior Policy Analyst at the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (www.kippra.or.ke), an autonomous public institute whose primary mission is to provide research-based quality public policy advice and capacity building to the government of Kenya and to the private sector in order to contribute to achievement of national development goals. Between February 2003 and May 2006, he was a Senior Energy Economist at the UNEP DTU Partnership on Energy, Climate and Sustainable Development (www.unepdtu.org under an agreement between United Nations Environment Programme, the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Technical University of Denmark at Risoe National Laboratory) where he managed energy and climate change projects in Sub-Saharan Africa. Before joining KIPPRA in September 2000, he served as Senior Lecturer and Chairman of Department of Economics at Egerton University in Kenya.

Wilson obtained B.A. (First Class Honours), MPhil, M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in Economics from the University of Nairobi, Moi University, University of Leeds, and the University of Stirling respectively. He also is a graduate of the World Bank Development Institute (Frontiers in Infrastructure Finance), and Harvard University John F Kennedy School of Government (Executive Program in Infrastructure in a Market Economy). Wilson has extensive experience in demand and market analysis for developing physical infrastructure facilities; infrastructure and environmental finance; policy analysis on energy-poverty-environment interactions; economic valuation of environmental assets and public service delivery; and sustainability indicators and adaptation to climate change in water, energy and transport sectors. Accordingly, he has trained, written and published in the areas of infrastructure, resource and environmental economics and policy development; he is the co-recipient (with Mwangi Kimenyi of Brookings Institution) of the 2001 Global Development Network Award for Outstanding Research. Wilson’s current interests include applied economics, policy analysis and training, infrastructure capital planning and public service delivery, and education and human capital development programming.