Emmanuel Manyasa holds a PhD in development economics. He also holds a certificate in grants management from Strathmore University, CPA section III and a Certificate in Evaluating Social Programmes from J-PAL Africa and Innovations for Poverty Actions (IPA). He has taught development economics at Kenyatta University for 11 years (up to post-graduate level), led the Uwezo program (conducting citizen-led assessment of learning in Kenya) in Twaweza East Africa for five years, and is now the Executive Director of Usawa Agenda. Usawa continues to implement the Uwezo program, but also conducts broad-based research to unearth underlying issues that impact equity in education.
Emmanuel is responsible for the strategic leadership of Usawa, including programming, partnership development and engagement, fundraising and strategic communication. His research interests are in the areas of equity in education and in the broader society, rural development and gender, as well as public and social accountability.